Monday, February 9, 2009

C.B. Say it Ain't So!

The music entertainment industry has taken a major hit as news of Chris Brown’s recent run in with the authorities begin to spread like a wildfire. For many fans, it is an unfortunate sight to witness as the 19 year old pop star’s name is dragged through the mud. Next to Jay-Z and Beyonce, Rihanna and Chris Brown are undeniably one of the most referenced couples in Hollywood. I don’t know about anyone else, but currently, Ike and Tina Turner are the only names that are coming to mind. Reports allege that an unidentified woman, suffering from apparent facial bruises, identified Brown as the perpetrator. Coincidentally, both stars backed out of performing at the Grammy’s last night. So, the rumors are stirring. However, the identity of the victim has yet to be released to the public. In fact, the authorities are remaining tightlipped about the entire fiasco. And, until all of the facts have been verified, this might be the most appropriate course of action. Chris Brown stepped onto the scene as the “too cool for school” teen star who just would not stop dancing. In a relatively short period, he received recognition for being one of the best. I wonder how this event will affect his career. But, for now it’s probably best that people sit back and wait to see what is going to happen. Technically, we do not know the entire story and nothing, yet, has been confirmed. Despite this much, this is still a really bad situation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so saddened by this fiasco for many reasons. Firstly, if the rumors are true and they come from abusive homes, they should both get help asap. Secondly, Chris Brown has just fucked up his life fo' real!

    Anyway, nice post.

    And, keep it up! :)
