Sunday, February 8, 2009

Give Me A Break!

I want to play the Devil’s Advocate for a moment. Honestly, is the Michael Phelp’s case truly that important to be making a public spectacle of it? Apparently, he was photographed smoking from (not a bong; such a derogatory term) a water-pipe and now the world has forgotten how to function. They just can’t get enough! “It was the pipe smoked around the world” How corny? Okay, I am not in any way condoning what he has done, but I would seriously like to know. If he were captured drinking a beer or taking a shot of Jose Cuervo would the media and law enforcement be “running a muck” right now? Alcohol is one of the leading killers of all drugs. But this past July, I was legally able to buy and consume as much as I wanted. I’m in the clear, as long as I don’t drive. Go figure! Then again, when was the last time you heard of someone dying from cancer because they smoked too much marijuana? Yet, I am constantly reminded of how much of an offense Phelp’s smoking habits are. Is this serious news? Quite frankly, it’s not that interesting anymore. At least, not to me it isn’t. Every time I hear another melodrama, I lose my faith in the news industry. Well, not really. But, I’m just sayin ….


  1. I totally agree. There is way to much sensationalism around marijuana. Why is it illegal anyway? Not that I advocate smoking(of any kind), but how is smoking "weed" any different from drinking besides the way the substance enters one's system? Both impair judgment and it could be arguably alcohol does way more damage then marijuana with respect to death and illness. LOL at "the world forgot how to function!
